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ACCESS to join fight against breast cancer at Race for the Cure Detroit

May 12, 2015

"The ACCESS team will be joining once again in the fight against breast cancer at the 24th Annual Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure Detroit on May 16, 2015, at Chene Park."

ACCESS honors distinguished Arab Americans at annual dinner

April 30, 2015

"ACCESS honored Drs. Jack Shaheen and Khaled Mattawa with the 'Arab American of the Year' Award at its 44th Annual Dinner on Saturday, April 25."

A Foundation Of, By, and For Arab Americans

April 21, 2015

"One particularly robust and intriguing piece of ACCESS's work that funders have helped scale up is the Center for Arab American Philanthropy (CAAP)."

Community reacts to shooting deaths of three Muslims in North Carolina

February 13, 2015

"As news spread of Tuesday night’s deadly North Carolina shootings, the Arab-American community became outraged that the three college students may have been shot because they were Muslim."

Human trafficking is a local, not just a global problem

February 13, 2015

"Munira Kassim, VOCA Program Supervisor at ACCESS, said one of the challenges the organization faces as a service agency rooted within the community is 'giving a sense of safety' to hidden victims
