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Concert to benefit refugees at Arab American museum

March 29, 2017

While much of the country angles to fence refugees out, Dearborn is throwing them a party.

Arab American foundation launches fund to help Syrian refugees in Southeast Michigan

January 19, 2017

Obamacare sign-ups surge among Mich. residents

December 14, 2016

Michigan enrollment is up at as 153,241 consumers had signed up for health insurance through Dec. 9, a 16 percent increase over this time last year.

Scholarship for Muslim women honors scientist

December 10, 2016

She drew inspiration from her mother’s work in chemistry, but initial discouragement from her engineer father, who thought she should do something else.

ACCESS gives backpacks, supplies to 300-plus students

September 2, 2016

Starting the new school year was a cause for celebration Thursday at the ACCESS headquarters in Dearborn.
