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Bequest Language

Suggested Bequest Language

Please feel free to copy and paste the appropriate bequest language below for use in your will.

Specific Bequest

I give and devise to ACCESS, a not-for-profit corporation organized under the laws of the state of Michigan and located at 2651 Saulino Ct., Dearborn, MI 48120,

[Select one of the following clauses,]

  • the sum of _______________, [or]
  • the following property:________________,

[Select one of the following clauses,

  • to be used for the benefit of [name of specific program, etc.] for the following purpose:____________________________. [or]
  • for unrestricted use.

Residual Bequest

I give and devise, all (or ____%) of the residue of my estate, to ACCESS, a not-for-profit corporation organized under the laws of the state of Michigan and located at 2651 Saulino Ct., Dearborn, MI 48120,

[Select one of the following clauses]

  • to be used for the benefit of the [name of specific program, etc.] for the following purpose:____________________________. [or]
  • to be used to further ACCESS’s purposes as the Directors’ discretion may deem appropriate.

Statement of Bequest Intention

Once you’ve decided to add ACCESS to your will with a charitable bequest, please let us know! You can use the form below.

Note: This is not a legal document, but merely a Statement of Intent; for any gifts more complex that a simple bequest we recommend you work with a professional adviser and/or ACCESS to determine the best financial strategy.


I/we have provided a gift for ACCESS as set forth in my/our will, revocable trust, retirement plan or other estate plan.

The estimated value of this gift is $____________________. I/we understand this estimate does not constitute a legally binding agreement.

__ My/our gift is unrestricted.

__ My/our gift is designated for: ______________________________

For your records, enclosed is the relevant portion of my/our estate plan that pertains to this gift (optional).


Signature: ________________________________ Date: _____________

Printed Name(s): _____________________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________________

City, State, Zip: ______________________________________________


__ I/we grant ACCESS permission to recognize this gift publicly.

__ I/we choose not to be publicly recognized for this gift.


Please return to:

Maha FreijPresident and Chief Executive Officer
2651 Saulino Court
Dearborn, MI 48120