Active RFQ/RFP documents appear below. If you wish to submit a bid, please send bids and a completed procurement form to by the posted deadline in order to be considered. We encourage minority and women-owned businesses to apply and will check all bidders against the System for Award Management (SAM).
ISSUE DATE: February 1, 2025
RESPONSES DUE: February 28, 2025
Arab American National Museum
13624 Michigan Ave
Dearborn, MI 48126
Intro: The Arab American National Museum is working with the Arab American community in Massachusetts to create a 500 sq ft modular, traveling exhibition highlighting the community and their history and contributions. AANM staff are applying for grants to complete the project and require basic sketches to help illustrate the vision of the exhibition. The selected designer will be hired to complete the full project after the grant is awarded and is requested to provide a budget for the larger project as well.
Please note, Concept Design for this project has already been completed, including:
Scope of Work:
- Complete designs for exhibit structures.
- Graphic design and layout for text and graphics, this includes providing text length and panel hierarchy requirements for our script writing.
- Prepare shop drawings for production.
- Work with AANM to identify fabricator.
Time Frame: Answers to this RFP should be submitted by February 28, 2025. Deliverables are due to AANM by June 30, 2025.
Qualifications: Designers must show competence in and knowledge of user-focused design with a strong preference for museum/gallery exhibition understanding.
Requested Application Materials:
Submission details: Please provide a single PDF proposal package to by February 28, 2025
Successful candidates will be notified by July 5, 2025. Please contact the Curatorial department at AANM with any questions
Request for Bids
SCOPE OF WORK: Evaluation Consultant for ACCESS’ SAMHSA-funded National Child Traumatic Stress Initiative (NCTSI) Program, known as Shifa
Project description
ACCESS seeks an evaluation consultant(s) with expertise in SAMHSA funded programs to develop ACCESS’ evaluation of our Shifa program, provide capacity building assistance to ACCESS on SAMHSA evaluation requirements and develop data collection tools and an analysis plan for the evaluation.
In October, 2023, ACCESS received funding to launch a new SAMHSA funded program within our Child and Adolescent Health Center (CAHC), the NCTSI program. This is a five-year grant that will end in September, 2028. Before the launch of the program, ACCESS had been providing adolescent mental health services for around a decade, funded through our county community mental health agencies. The NCTSI program, called Shifa at ACCESS, utilizes Boston Children’s Hospital’s evidence-based Trauma Systems Therapy for Refugees to provide culturally relevant services to refugee and immigrant youth who have experienced trauma. Staffing challenges delayed the implementation of the project, which launched in August, 2024.
The goals of the Shifa program over the 5-year grant period include:
The Shifa program will be utilizing the following tools:
This contract will design the evaluation, build the capacity of the ACCESS team to better understand SAMHSA evaluation projects, develop data collection tools, if needed, and develop a data analysis plan. ACCESS’ Office of Evaluation and Learning will be responsible for implementing the evaluation and data collection plan.
The contract period is from April, 2025 – December, 2025.
Project services
a. Collaborate with the Shifa program team and ACCESS’ Office of Evaluation and Learning (OEL) to develop the evaluation plan
b. Develop an evaluation plan that meets all SAMHSA evaluation requirements for the National Child Traumatic Stress Initiative Programs, as well as the requirement of the program team
c. Provide capacity building to Shifa team and the OEL on SAMHSA evaluation expectations and requirements
d. Develop data collection tools and processes as needed
e. Develop a data analysis plan
Experience developing and implementing SAMHSA funded evaluation projects
Experience developing and implementing child and adolescence behavioral health programs
Experience developing and implementing evaluations of refugee programs preferred
Most of the work can be completed remotely, but some travel to ACCESS in Dearborn, MI, may be required. Domestic travel expenses will be covered by ACCESS.
Must be authorized to work in the United States.
Submitted bids should include a total cost to complete all required services (using the anticipated number of hours listed above) as well as an updated CV/resume, a cover letter describing your experience, and any relevant work samples. Please submit bids to Jamie Kim at
Deadline to submit bids is February 28, 2025.
Winning bidder will be notified by March 21, 2025.
Date Issued: October 1, 2024
Submission Deadline: October 15, 2024
ACCESS, a nonprofit organization, is soliciting proposals for the supply and deployment of network switches to modernize its infrastructure across multiple facilities. This upgrade is intended to enhance network reliability, performance, and security, addressing both current and anticipated future needs. Our existing switch infrastructure has reached end-of-life, and we are exploring options that will provide seamless scalability and robust management capabilities.
While we are considering Juniper EX4100 series switches with integration into a cloud-based management platform, we encourage proposals that meet comparable specifications and can deliver the required support, performance, and security features.
The selected vendor will be responsible for supplying:
The solution should prioritize cloud-based network management, enhanced reporting, and industry-standard security capabilities.
ACCESS will evaluate proposals based on:
Proposals must include:
The decision will be based on competitive pricing, compatibility with our technical requirements, and quality of support. ACCESS values cost-effective solutions that also align with our security and operational standards.
Please submit proposals by October 15, 2024. Late submissions may not be considered.
Contact for Questions and Submission:
Bassam Muhsin
Director of IT, ACCESS
Thank you for your interest in this project. We look forward to receiving your proposal.
Please consider this document as a formal Request for Proposal (RFP) for snow removal services for ACCESS. Bids should be submitted to by 10 am October 1st, 2024. Bids must be accompanied by a completed version of the RFP document located at this link and 3 references.
All invitations to bid issued by ACCESS will bind bidders and successful bidders to the conditions and requirements set forth in this Scope of Work, and such conditions shall form an integral part of any purchase contract awarded.
All bidders shall contact Director of Business Operations and Facilities Rachid Elabed at 734-652-3303 (cell), between the hours of 9 am & 4 pm M-F to review the scope of work and/or participate in a site visit of all facilities.
ACCESS requests a seasonal snow removal price, with ice melt/salt/brine included, for the noted locations in Schedule A. All locations include parking lot plowing, salt/ice melt, clearing of walks (from edge to edge or edge to street where applicable) and entries & emergency exits unless otherwise specified in Schedule B. Vendor agrees to furnish all labor, materials, and insurance to perform the above work.
ACCESS reserves the right to reject any or all bids, in part or in total, for any objective or subjective reason whatsoever. Late bids will not be accepted. If a proposal is selected, it will be the most advantageous regarding price (See: "Low Bidder" following), quality of service, the Vendors' qualifications and capabilities to provide the specified service, and other factors which ACCESS may consider.
ACCESS does not intend to award a bid fully on the basis of any response made to the proposal; ACCESS reserves the right to consider proposals for modifications at any time before a Bid would be awarded, and negotiations would be undertaken with that Vendor whose proposal is deemed to best meet ACCESS' specifications and needs. ACCESS at its sole discretion may award this bid to one or several contractors, whatever is deemed in the best interest of ACCESS.
The lowest responsive, responsible bid will be based on the cost per month per facility, demonstrated ability to perform the work, and history of performance.
The Contractor will comply with all federal, state, and local laws & regulations, including but not limited to all applicable OSHA/MIOSHA requirements and the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Changes mutually agreed upon by ACCESS and the Contractor will be incorporated into this contract by written amendments signed by both parties.
Contracts are conditioned upon the availability of funds. If funding is cut and services must be reduced or discontinued, a 30-day notice will be provided.
Any disputes arising out of this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Michigan.
Contract debts are amounts that have been paid to a contractor to which the contractor is not currently entitled under the terms and conditions of the contract; or are otherwise due from the contractor under the terms and conditions of the contract.
Snow removal will be completed by no later than 8:00 am, seven (7) days a week. During business hours, snow will be removed within two hours of the end of snowfall, seven (7) days a week. In the case that the Contractor(s) cannot meet the deadlines in this Scope of Work, ACCESS may contract out these duties itself and receive from the vendor the cost incurred.
ACCESS may terminate this contract at any time for any reason by giving at least thirty (30) days’ notice in writing to the Vendor. If the contract is terminated by ACCESS as provided herein, the vendor will be paid a pro-rated payment as negotiated with ACCESS for the work completed as of the date of termination.
ACCESS may terminate the whole or any part of this Agreement, by written notice of default to Vendor, in any one of the following circumstances:
Upon termination, ACCESS may procure, upon such terms as it shall deem appropriate, services similar to those so terminated. Vendor shall continue performance of this Agreement to the extent not terminated.
ACCESS payment terms are 14 business days from receipt of invoice. Invoicing will be done on a monthly basis for equal amounts of the entire contract during the snow season. ACCESS, by law, is exempt from State and Federal Taxes.
ACCESS is requesting a 2-year contract for snow services beginning November 1, 2024.
The Vendor will maintain at its own expense during the term of this Contract, the following insurance:
Insurance policies shall not contain endorsements or policy conditions which reduce coverage provided to ACCESS. Vendor shall be responsible to ACCESS or insurance companies insuring ACCESS for all costs resulting from both financially unsound insurance companies selected by Vendor and their inadequate insurance coverage. Vendor shall furnish the Facilities Manager with satisfactory certificates of insurance or a certified copy of the policy, if requested by the Facilities Manager.
The Arab American National Museum (AANM) is seeking an Audio/Visual vendor to provide A/V services for its largest fundraising event of the year, the annual Grand Gala, themed Many Voices, One Song. This would include equipment for the event and day-of labor to run it. Vendors are expected to be on-site at the Gala venue all day. The Grand Gala will take place on October 19, 2024, at The Henry Hotel in Dearborn, Mich. An AANM staff member will be in contact with the A/V vendor to provide all content, materials, and assist with day-of run-of-show.
Vendors must have proven experience in providing audio and visual setup for large-scale events such as fundraisers, galas, weddings, concerts, etc.
Answers to this RFP should be submitted by July 19, 2024. Deliverables are due to AANM via services in-person on October 19, 2024.
Please submit a cost estimate that includes the cost of equipment listed above as well as the cost of labor for setup, breakdown, and duration of the event.
ISSUE DATE: June 4, 2024
RESPONSES DUE: June 20, 2024
Arab American National Museum
13624 Michigan Ave
Dearborn, MI 48126
The Arab American National Museum is working with the Arab American community in Massachusetts to create a 500 sq ft modular, traveling exhibition highlighting the community and their history and contributions. AANM staff are applying for grants to complete the project and require basic sketches to help illustrate the vision of the exhibition. The selected designer will be hired to complete the full project after the grant is awarded and is requested to provide a budget for the larger project as well.
- Create overall graphic treatment for exhibition. This includes sample title and theme treatments, color palette(s), panel and label fonts.
- Provide birds-eye-view diagram/layout based on exhibit outline. This includes basic designs for exhibit structures.
- Complete one theme (2-3 panels or labels) with graphic treatment. AANM to provide final text.
- Provide quote for finishing the design and fabrication drawings for grant proposal.
Answers to this RFP should be submitted by June 20, 2024. Deliverables are due to AANM by August 5, 2024.
Designers must show competence in and knowledge of user-focused design with a strong preference for museum/gallery exhibition understanding.
- Summary of your/your firm’s background, resources and relevant experience (max 1 page).
- Examples of past projects of similar size and scope. If possible, these should include projects carried through to actual exhibit installation. Include each project’s square footage, costs, and time to complete. If similar projects have not been completed then include examples that are felt to be the most relevant in demonstrating your ability to complete this project (max 5 pages).
- References for past projects – preference for those selected as examples (1 page).
- Proposed timeline for completing work described above including payment schedule (1 page).
- Proposed budget for completing work described in Scope above (1 page).
- Names and (1 page) resumes of key personnel that will be directly involved in the project.
- Optional: supporting materials of your/your firm’s choosing (max 5 pages). Submission details: Please provide a single PDF proposal package to by June 20, 2024.
Successful candidates will be notified by June 25, 2024. Please contact the Curatorial department at AANM with any questions
Project description
ACCESS seeks a data analyst to lead the data analysis for a client survey. The consultant will work directly with the Center for Arab Narratives and the evaluation and research staff at ACCESS, the largest Arab American community nonprofit in the country.
Project start date is approximately April 15, 2024 and the consultant will be needed for approximately 60 days.
In March, 2024, ACCESS will launch a 52 question survey to better understand how clients’ socio-economic and community experiences. This information will better inform ACCESS about the needs of our clients and how to improve programs to better support the community.
Analysis will be guided by the following questions, with overall data disaggregated by race and ethnicity, education, language spoken, gender identity and nativity:
Project services
Payment for services
Payment will be delivered in 2 installments. The first payment will be delivered after 30 days. The final payment will be delivered after 60 days or after the completion of the work, whichever comes first.
High level experience working with quantitative data sets.
High level experience with data analysis and data visualization tools, including Excel and Power BI.
Most of the work can be completed remotely, but some travel to ACCESS in Dearborn, MI, may be required. Domestic travel expenses will be covered by ACCESS.
Must be authorized to work in the United States.
Submitted bids should include a total cost to complete all required services (including anticipated number of hours this project will require) as well as an updated CV/resume, a cover letter describing your experience, and any relevant work samples.
Please submit bids to Jamie Kim at
Deadline to submit bids is March 18, 2024.
Winning bidder will be notified by April 1, 2024.
ACCESS invites qualified legal, accounting, and financial advisory firms to submit proposals to become sub-grantees under the ACCESS BD Capital Ready Program. This initiative is funded through the State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI) Technical Assistance (TA) grant program. We invite experienced and qualified facilitators to submit proposals for the facilitation of Capital Ready Workshops and Cohorts as part of our dynamic business development program. Our program focuses on preparing businesses for successful capital acquisition, primarily through the State of Michigan's SSBCI funding track and other sources within our ecosystem. We are seeking facilitators who can bring innovation, industry expertise, and a commitment to interactive learning through a hybrid model.
The ACCESS BD Capital Ready Program aims to empower entrepreneurs and small businesses in Michigan by providing essential tools and resources to secure capital successfully. Sub-grantees will contribute to this mission by creating and implementing initiatives that increase awareness, readiness, and financial acumen among potential loan applicants, with a specific emphasis on serving socially/economically disadvantaged individuals (SEDI) and very small businesses (VSBs).
The selected vendor will commence work in early 2024 and continue until the end of 2025. The goal is to serve a minimum of 50 businesses annually.
Interested parties should submit the following by March 26, 2024 to
Proposals will be evaluated based on experience, methodology, understanding of program goals, and budget considerations.
We look forward to reviewing innovative proposals that will contribute to the continued success and growth of our entrepeneurial business development program.
ACCESS invites qualified legal, accounting, and financial advisory firms to submit proposals to become sub-grantees under the ACCESS BD Capital Ready Program. This initiative is funded through the State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI) Technical Assistance (TA) grant program. The primary objective of the sub-grantees is to enhance awareness and readiness among entrepreneurs and small businesses seeking capital, leading to the successful acquisition of capital and ongoing support throughout the loan period. Sub-grantees will play a crucial role in elevating financial and business management skills by creating a Capital Access Track and developing Capital Ready Training Workshops, with a focus on serving socially/economically disadvantaged individuals and very small businesses.
The ACCESS BD Capital Ready Program aims to empower entrepreneurs and small businesses in Michigan by providing essential tools and resources to secure capital successfully. Sub-grantees will contribute to this mission by creating and implementing initiatives that increase awareness, readiness, and financial acumen among potential loan applicants, with a specific emphasis on serving socially/economically disadvantaged individuals (SEDI) and very small businesses (VSBs).
1. Capital Ready Track:
2. Capital Ready Workshops:
The selected vendor will commence work in early 2024 and continue until the end of 2025. The goal is to serve a minimum of 50 businesses annually.
Interested organizations should submit the following by March 19, 2024 to
We look forward to reviewing innovative proposals that will contribute to the continued success and growth of our entrepreneurial business development program.
RESPONSES DUE: October 6, 2023 November 15, 2023
AWARD NOTIFICATION: October 10, 2023 November 20, 2023
Time Frame: Answers to this RFP should be submitted by November 15th. We are relying on applicants to inform us of their anticipated completion timeline, but we are eager to get the final deliverables in place by December 20th.
Arab American National Museum
13624 Michigan Ave
Dearborn, MI 48126
Intro: The Arab American National Museum has recently installed a large screen interactive to deliver digital content to our visitors. We have developed new content for this large screen that we need assistance programming into a touchscreen kiosk interface. Through this, visitors should be able to select the content they want to see projected onto the large screen. Ideally, they would have control to pause and/or exit out of the content to select something else. A time-out function would also be ideal.
- Create user interface for kiosk which controls content playback on large screen
- Playback and programming through BrightSign XT4 media player
- No audio required. Video and static images only
Time Frame: Answers to this RFP should be submitted by October 6th. We are relying on applicants to inform us of their anticipated completion timeline, but we are eager to get the final deliverables in place by November 9th.
Qualifications: No formal qualifications required, only a demonstration of abilities listed below. Please include samples of previous app/programming work. Individuals and firms are welcome to apply.
User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) Design: The designer should have experience in creating visually appealing and functional UIs for kiosks or similar digital interfaces. They should understand usability principles, accessibility standards, and create a seamless user experience. A strong understanding of UX design principles, user research, and wireframes is crucial for developing an intuitive interface.
Graphic Design and Motion Graphics: Proficiency in graphic design is essential for creating visually engaging content, including a strong grasp of color theory, typography, layout, and composition.
Project Management and Communication: The designer should have the ability to manage their workload, meet deadlines, and collaborate effectively with a team. Effective communication skills are necessary for presenting design concepts, articulating design decisions, and collaborating with stakeholders.
Design Tools and Coding Skills (optional but beneficial): Proficiency in design software such as Adobe Creative Suite or other industry-standard tools is necessary for creating high-quality designs. Knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and popular web frameworks can be helpful when working in the BrightSign authoring tool.
Please contact the Curatorial department at AANM with any questions
Please consider this document as formal Request for Proposal (RFP) for payroll services for ACCESS. Bids should be submitted to sends e-mail) by 10 am December 1, 2023. Bids must be accompanied by a completed version of the RFP document located at and 3 references.
All invitations to bid issued by ACCESS will bind bidders and successful bidders to the conditions and requirements set forth in this Scope of Work, and such conditions shall form an integral part of any purchase contract awarded.
All bidders shall contact HR Assistant Jackie Herman at (313) 203-3971 , sends e-mail) between the hours of 9:00 am & 4:30 pm M-F to review the scope of work.
ACCESS is seeking the services of a qualified Payroll/HR solutions provider with expertise in outsourced payroll processing and related payroll services to successfully provide these services to meet the payroll, human resource and general ledger needs in the most cost-effective and efficient manner possible.
Qualified firms wishing to respond to RFP – “Payroll/HR solutions” must provide all equipment and materials described in this document, whether directly or through subcontractors/sub-consultants. This does not, however, limit the use of sub-contractors or sub-consultants.
It is anticipated that the solution will be completely installed, integrated with the financial software, and staff trained before the end of the current calendar year (December 31, 2023)
We are requesting the following features highlighted in the proposal:
Vendor(s) shall be responsible for all repairs or damages to ACCESS property caused by his/her equipment, personnel or materials used.
The Vendor is to report to the Human Resources Director and/or his designee and will cooperate and confer with him/her as necessary to insure satisfactory work progress.
Furthermore, any operator leaving ACCESS sites in an unsatisfactory condition will be required to return and complete the job with no additional compensation.
ACCESS reserves the right to reject any or all bids, in part or in total, for any objective or subjective reason whatsoever. Late bids will not be accepted. If a proposal is selected, it will be the “best value” (See: "Best Value" following), quality of service, the Vendors' qualifications and capabilities to provide the specified service, and other factors which the ACCESS may consider. ACCESS does not intend to award a bid fully based on any response made to the proposal; ACCESS reserves the right to consider proposals for modifications at any time before a Bid would be awarded, and negotiations would be undertaken with that Vendor whose proposal is deemed to best meet ACCESS' specifications and needs. ACCESS at its sole discretion may award this bid to one or several contractors whatever is deemed in the best interest of ACCESS. Bids will be reviewed and evaluated on a weighted system to determine best value.
Proposals will be reviewed and scored as follows:
Based on the criteria above, using a 100 point scale the vendor that accumulates the highest score wins the bid.
“Best Value” means that ACCESS will, in an evaluation of each proposal submittal, consider factors other than just cost in making the award decision.
The Contractor will comply with all federal, state and local laws & regulations, including but not limited to all applicable OSHA/MIOSHA requirements and the Americans with Disabilities Act.
This notice is provided for information and invitation for offers to contract only and is not to be construed as: (a) an offer to contract; or (b) as a contract in and of itself.
ACCESS assumes no responsibility or liability for costs incurred by the Contractor prior to the effective date of any contract resulting from this RFP. Further, Contractor may be required to obtain licenses, liability insurance, and to comply with certain laws and regulations, including but not limited to, the Americans with Disabilities Acts and Equal Opportunity Employment.
Headings and captions included in this this document are included herewith for the sake of convenience only and offer no substantive guidance and are not to be examined for purposes of interpretation.
Any contract issued because of this RFP shall not be construed as creating a relationship of employer and employee, or principal and agent, or master and servant. Rather Contractor and ACCESS shall assume the responsibility for the acts of their respective employees, agents, representatives, staff, consultants, and subcontractors, and should Contractor’s proposal be accepted only an independent contractor relationship shall exist between Contractor and ACCESS.
A contract awarded under this RFP shall not be assignable in any form or portion without the written consent of ACCESS.
Changes mutually agreed upon by the ACCESS and the Contractor will be incorporated into this contract by written amendments signed by both parties.
Contracts conditioned upon availability of funds. If funding is cut and services must be reduced or discontinued, a 30-day notice will be provided.
Any disputes arising out of this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Michigan.
Contract debts are amounts that have been paid to a contractor to which the contractor is not currently entitled under the terms and conditions of the contract; or are otherwise due from the contractor under the terms and conditions of the contract.
In the case that the Contractor(s) cannot meet the deadlines in this Scope of Work, the ACCESS may contract out these duties itself and receive from the vendor the cost incurred.
ACCESS may terminate this contract at any time and for any reason by giving at least thirty (30) days’ notice in writing to the Vendor. If the contract is terminated by the ACCESS as provided herein, the vendor will be paid a pro-rated payment as negotiated with the ACCESS for the work completed as of the date of termination.
ACCESS may terminate the whole or any part of this Agreement, by written notice of default to Vendor, in any one of the following circumstances:
(a) If Vendor fails to perform any duties or obligations within the time specified herein or any written extension thereof granted by Customer;
(b) If Vendor so fails to make progress as to endanger performance of this Agreement in accordance with its terms;
(c) If Vendor fails to comply with any of the material terms and conditions of this Agreement. Such termination shall become effective if Vendor does not cure such failure within a period of ten (10) days after written notice of default by Customer;
(d) If the other party is declared insolvent or bankrupt, or makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors, or a receiver is appointed or any proceeding is demanded by, for or against the other under any provision of the Federal Bankruptcy Act or any amendment thereof.
Upon termination, ACCESS may procure, upon such terms as it shall deem appropriate, services like those so terminated. Vendor shall continue performance of this Agreement to the extent not terminated.
ACCESS is requesting a 5-year contract for Payroll/HR solutions services beginning January 1, 2024
Project description
ACCESS seeks a consultant(s) to assist in the development of a community needs assessment to be administered in southeast Michigan. The consultant will work directly with evaluation and research staff at ACCESS, the largest Arab American community nonprofit in the country.
Project start date is Sept. 1, 2023 and consultant will be needed for approximately 90 days.
Project services
We anticipate the project involving approximately 160 hours of work over a four month period.
Payment will be delivered in 2 installments. The first payment will be delivered after 30 days. The final payment will be delivered after 120 days or after the completion of the work, whichever comes first.
Advanced degree in sociology, evaluation, public health, public policy, or related fields.
High level experience working with quantitative data sets.
Experience with qualitative and quantitative research methodology design.
Experience with community-based participatory research.
Most of the work can be completed remotely, but some travel to ACCESS in Dearborn, MI, may be required. Domestic travel expenses will be covered by ACCESS.
Must be authorized to work in the United States.
Submitted bids should include a total cost to complete all required services (using the anticipated number of hours listed above) as well as an updated CV/resume, a cover letter describing your experience, and any relevant work samples.
Please submit bids to Jamie Kim at
Deadline to submit bids is July 15, 2023.
Winning bidder will be notified by August 1, 2023.